
Fire Class is a Year 3 and Year 4 class.

Miss Hardwill teaches in Fire Class

We have 3 teaching assistants: Mrs Salthouse, Miss Creighton and Mrs Padfield.


You have a vital role as parents in supporting and encouraging your children’s learning.  It is our policy to set homework which we believe can consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, particularly in numeracy and literacy, and as children get older can help develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study on their own, preparing them for the requirements of secondary school.  Regular reading is vital for Key Stage 2 children as well as other literacy skills such as learning spellings.  We value your contribution and, to help you know when your children may have homework, a timetable will be included in the termly curriculum leaflets.  We offer you the following guidance to support you in ways you can help your child at home.  Some of this support we hope will be ongoing and others will happen from time to time.


Sharing books with your children is very important.  Reading should be a pleasurable activity, so try to find a place and time where you can relax and give them your full attention.  Ten to fifteen minutes every day is much better than an hour once a week.

Ways you can help:

  • Read with them
  • Hear them read; sound out simple words, use picture and context clues
  • Ask them questions about what they have read, why they think it might happen that way, how the characters might feel, what might happen next
  • Encourage them to read with expression and interest
  • Visit the library and borrow a range of books
  • Help them to use books to find out information
  • Continue to read to them and let them see you read so they know you value and enjoy books and reading.


There may be spellings for your child to learn each week, please ask them for this and help them to learn them.  Sometimes it is a help to look at a few words each night.  Please don’t treat these words just as a list to learn, but also words to investigate. In Fire Class, to help your child learn their spellings, there will be an activity linked to their words.


Homework sheets may cover the area of maths your child is working on at school and it is intended to reinforce and revise work they are doing in school.  Learning number bonds and multiplication tables is very important.  Children will be asked to learn and practise their table regularly.  They will also practise them in school and have tests regularly.  Mental arithmetic practice is also of great benefit and some of the homework sheets will help your child practise these.


They may be asked to find out about topics they are doing at school, perhaps using books from home, the library, or objects that are related to the topic or, if you have access to a computer, to find information from software you have or on the Internet.  Some children, if they express an interest, may wish to produce topic work of their own to add to their work in school.


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